Welcome to "live, Instructor-Led" training.
What are the costs for "live, online"
Instructor-led training? Use this
information for your budget
for your next fiscal year.
A day of training is 6 (six) hours, and
costs $2,000. We give discounts for some non-profits,
schools, religious, government, and small businesses.
Please ask. We consider all situations when giving discounts.
A day of training is 6 (six) hours and
includes any number of employees.
Because the training is delivered "live and
online", employees can be at multiple different
locations. Different time zones is fine as well.
Once again, training is 6 hours in one day.
You can split those 6 hours of
training any way you want. Example:
One - class of 6 hours.
Two - classes of 3 hours each.
Three - classes of 2 hours each.
Six - classes of 1 hour each.
Four - classes of 1.5 hours each.
I recommend having training sessions
for "front line employees" and separate
training sessions for C-level executives.
You can offer:
-group training classes for your employees,
-group training classes for your C-level executives,
(let us not forget the executives)
or you can offer one-on-one private class
to a single C-level Executive or employee.
When it comes to group training, the
most popular is the one hour class.
Second most popular is the 90-minute classes.
I recommend the 90 minute class as it
allows for more time for "questions and answer"
during the training (which is very helpful).
Classes can consist of anything you want
such as:
Office 365 (desktop version) What is new!
Office 365 (web version / free version)
Windows 11 - how to use it
Microsoft Word Tips and Tricks.
Outlook Tips and Tricks.
Excel formulas (15 most popular formulas)
Word Level 1
Word Level 2
Word Level 3
Word Level 4
Excel Level 1
Excel Level 2
Excel Level 3
Excel Level 4
Outlook Level 1
Outlook Level 2
Outlook Level 3
Outlook Level 4
PowerPoint Level 1
PowerPoint Level 2
PowerPoint Level 3
PowerPoint Level 4
You can request or more
specialized training such as:
Microsoft Mail Merge
Microsoft Word: Table of Contents, Captions, and Index
Excel: V-lookup and H-lookup in detail
Microsoft Outlook: Create appointments and meetings.
Or we can customize a class
which means you tell us exactly
what you want taught and we will
teach that class as you want it to be.
Phone discussions regarding training
and the time it takes for me to create
the training booklets used in training
are included in the price listed above.
What about proprietary software?
Do you have a non-Microsoft program
you need your employees to learn?
Lets talk.
PLEASE NOTE: Non-Microsoft Office
training and booklet creation will be charged more than
the daily rate listed above. This allows for training
on the new software, etc.
Soft skill classes include:
- how to act in an office environment
- how to answer the phone and other
administrative procedures
- the professional manner to use email
-and many others. Please ask for more information.
Using the Internet, we train clients
in the USA and overseas. If you have employees
in Belgium, Costa Rica, Africa, or Iceland that
need training, we can do it.
English is the defacto business language
accepted world-wide. All classes will be
conducted in English.
If you have a different learning platform and
would prefer to use that platform for training
(such as WebEx), we are happy to use that platform.
We look forward to your email or phone message!
Leave us a message.
Thank you. We will
return your call shortly.
Los Angeles Office:
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